Disclaimer for up scholarship Friends, I would like to tell you that if you apply any form from this website. So you guys are doing it at your own risk. Because we can give you information and we tell you the disclaimer first. That whatever information I have told you guys.
If you agree with my information then you guys are reading my disclaimer first. Only then you guys are applying any form on our website because I would like to tell you that whatever articles I have written in this website or any article in which you guys have been told about applying the form.
I want to tell you guys that whatever information is given on Up Scholarship is completely reliable and does not give any guarantee about accuracy. That on the basis of whatever information you get on this website, if you guys take any action or apply any form.
So you have to do that at your own risk. We will not be held responsible for any loss or damage in connection with the use of our website. So you must read the disclaimer first. Only after that apply any form. If you are applying the form or reading any information through the methods mentioned by us, then it means that you agree with the disclaimer given on our website, only then you can apply your form on our website.
If you agree with our disclaimer, then you must read the disclaimer before visiting any website. This is very important for you.